It's been only three months and our numbers are growing faster than a minnow can swim a dipper. Am I the only one that's ever heard that expression? Regardless of that, we literally had to bring in another table to fit the new members of our club. Let us introduce them all starting (from left) with our fearless leader, President Don Dowling, Candy Bishop-Conlon in the back row, Helen MacLaughlin in the front row, Greg Quillen, Alison Richards, John Buckey and everybody's favorite Gregg Thibodeau as the Beaver. Not in the picture are Jac Bentley, Clyde Elledge and Kimberly Grad. We're so proud to be an organization that appeals to the residents of Marblehead, regardless of their age or politics. Rotary is a group of selfless individuals who get together to make our town a better place to live. Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders and problem solvers. If you're interested in joining, come and check out a lunch meeting as our guest. We meet Thursdays at noon at the Boston Yacht Club. #allmarblehead #marbleheadrotary #district7930 #lovemylibrary #marbleheadyouth #rotaryfun #rotaryfamily